Jahzir Crawford
A Better Tomorrow by Jahzir Crawford
Product Description
A Better Tomorrow was inspired by a personal experience and was written to help other children like myself who lost a loved one. This is a story of Jacob, a seven year old boy who recently lost his father. His mom while trying to help him cope with the loss of his father, advises him to visit his school counselor, Ms. Smith. Ms. Smith is a very nice lady. She helps Jacob understand that his father would always be around him. She made him realize that just like a bean seed never really dies, but instead grows into a beautiful plant; our loved ones who die are always with us. They give us hope of a better tomorrow.
About the Author
Jahzir Crawford is a 14 year old Brooklyn born author and entrepreneur who decided to put his thoughts to paper and work through his own loss through helping others. Keep an eye out for him. He has a bright future ahead ❤